Dick And His Cat Logo

Dick And His Cat!

The true story of Dick Whittington!

Poor Dick, run out of his village for putting his penis in the local nutter’s wife, heads off with his trusty cat, Dom, to the big city of London to seek a better future, he has never seen Eastenders!

Seeking employment as a security guard at the Alderman Fitztightly store, Dick comes to the attention of the nasty pimp, King Rat!

Dick’s journey, aided by Dame Betty Swallocks, her stupid son Jack and Fairy of the Bellend, will see him travel far across the seas to seek his fortune.

Will Dick be able to save the Alderman’s business and also win the hand of the beautiful Alice Fitztightly? Will King Rat be defeated or will his plans of opening the city’s biggest brothel prevail?

Dick Whittington adult pantomime script available for licensing.


  • Dick Whittington

    Bit of a Jack the lad, nice guy, falls in love with Alice Fitztighly.

  • Dom Cat

    Dick Whittington’s cat, Dom, a very sexy female dominatrix cat, takes no nonsense has a bit of an attitude.

  • Dame Betty Swallocks

    The panto Dame. Flirty and dirty, a little crude at times, heart of gold, she gives the Alderman sexual favours.

  • Jack Swallocks

    Betty’s son, the show fool, naive, stupid and always horny, fancies everything.

  • Alice Fitztightly

    Young, beautiful, very innocent and the love interest for Dick. King Rat is desperate for Alice to work for him in his London brothel.

  • Alderman Fitztightly

    The Lord Mayor of London, a bit stupid and stutters a lot, his business is failing and he can do little about it. Very protective of his daughter Alice.

  • King Rat

    London’s biggest pimp, wants to change the Fitztightly warehouse into a massive brothel, evil and scheming.

  • King Rat's Whore

    King Rat’s top girl, ideal for a dancer, no lib.

  • Fairy Of The Bellend

    The good Fairy looking out for Dick and trying to beat King Rat.

  • Sultan Of Morocco

    The ruler of Morocco, willing to give a fortune to whoever can rid the Royal Palace from a plague of rats. Can be doubled with Fairy Of The Bellend.

  • Mustapha Whoreortwo

    Can be doubled with the King Rat actor. King Rat’s cousin and the pimp of Morocco, also traffics whores back to London. Looking to rule Morocco by running the Sultan away with a plague of rats. Nasty evil man.

  • Sultan's Page

    A small part that can be doubled up with Alice Fitztighly, the Sultan’s right hand person.

  • Local Hardman

    The local nutter that runs Dick out of his village, very few lines. Can played by Alderman Fitztightly’s actor.

  • Chorus/Villagers

    A few people to make up the villagers as Dick leaves, also the Moroccan people.

Scene Breakdown

Act 1

  • Scene 1 - Prologue

    The Road To London

    The Good Fairy and King Rat meet. An evil plan is discovered.

  • Scene 2

    The Road To London

    Dick is run out of his village by the local nutter, so he decides to seek his fortune in London.

  • Scene 3

    Kitchen Of Fitztightly Stores

    Dick gains employment for Alderman Fitztightly (yes it does), but will things work out for the good?

  • Scene 4 - The Morning After

    Kitchen Of Fitztightly Stores

    A robbery is discovered, Dick and Dom barely escape.

  • Scene 5

    The Road Back To The Village

    On the way home, Dick makes a potentially life changing decision.

Act 2

  • Scene 1

    Sultan’s Palace

    After arriving in Morocco, will our friends be able to earn their fortune?

  • Scene 2 - The Morning After

    Sultan’s Palace

    The group heads back to London full of optimism.

  • Scene 3

    Kitchen Of Fitztightly Stores

    King Rat’s plan is close to fruition, but will Dick be able to save the day?

  • Scene 4 - Community Song

    Kitchen Of Fitztightly Stores

    Sing along time!

  • Scene 5 - Walkdown

    Sultan’s Palace
