Sleepy Beauty Logo

Sleeping Beauty - Full

Evil Fairy ‘Orrible, banished from the kingdom for being… evil, seeks revenge. She sets in motion a plan that will see Princess Beauty die on her 21st birthday.

Dame Penny Sillen and her daft son will do anything they can to prevent this from happening, but when Dashing Prince Sequin is tricked by Fairy ‘Orrible, the plan is almost complete.

With the help of Fairy Delightful, will our heroes be able to save Beauty’s life?

A show full of laughter and merriment, song and dance, fun for all.

Sleeping Beauty pantomime script available for licensing.


  • Princess Beauty

    A beautiful young girl, totally unaware of the curse that befalls her.

  • Dashing Prince Sequin

    The Prince that hopes to marry Princess Beauty, nice but naive young man.

  • King Pleasant

    Princess Beauty’s father, a bit of a fool, who has no backbone and relies on his wife for everything.

  • Queen Pleasant

    Princess Beauty’s mother, a strong woman who gets fed up of her soft husband’s ways.

  • Dame Penny Sillen

    Princess Beauty’s charge and protector, well aware of the curse and will do anything to save Beauty.

  • Muddles

    Dame Penny Silin’s daft son and Beauty’s friend, although he is a little bit in love with her.

  • Fairy 'Orrible

    Banished from the kingdom, she seeks her revenge by casting a curse on Beauty when she is a baby. Evil to the core.

  • Loath

    One of Evil Fairy ‘Orribles minions, not blessed with brains but will do whatever is asked of him.

  • Some

    The other of Fairy ‘Orribles minions, again faithful but stupid.

  • Fairy Delightful

    Fairy ‘Orrible’s good sister, a lovely person who will do her best to save Princess Beauty.

  • Trainee Faries

    Fairy Delightful’s varies in training, small parts, ideal for younger cast a few lines.

  • Sequin's Page

    Prince Sequin’s page, a small part with a little lib.

  • Sequin's Mother

    A small part suiting an older lady, Prince Sequin’s mother.

  • Herald The Hark

    The voice of the Royal Family, another small part with not many lines.

  • Narrator

    Can be a member of cast reading from a book or can be pre-recorded.

Scene Breakdown

Act 1

  • Narration

    The narrator sets the tale in motion.

  • Scene 1 - 21 years In The Past

    Castle Throne Room – Full Stage

    Princess Beauty’s christening party, to which we are all invited. All is going well until an uninvited guest appears.

  • Scene 2 - Present Day

    Road To The Castle – Front Cloth

    We meet Muddles on his way to prepare for Beauty’s 21st birthday celebrations.

  • Scene 3

    Outside The Castle – Full Stage

    Beauty is suspicious of her father’s behaviour, Dame Penny does her best to reassure Beauty that all is well.

  • Scene 4

    Sequins Palace – Front Cloth

    Prince Sequin is about to start his journey to Beauty’s birthday party.

  • Scene 5

    The Petrified Forest – Full Stage

    An evil plot is formed and set in motion to make the curse come true.

  • Scene 6

    The Road To The Castle – Front Cloth

    The prince meets two surprisingly helpful people on his way to the castle.

  • Scene 7

    Castle Throne Room – Full Stage

    The party is in full swing when a delivery changes the atmosphere, a terrible event occurs.

Act 2

  • Scene 1

    Enchanted Forest – Full Stage

    Dame Penny and Muddles seek the help of Fairy Delightful, will they be able to find her?

  • Scene 2

    The Haunted Path – Front Cloth

    As the quest to wake everyone continues, our heroes find themselves at the mercy of a ghostly apparition.

  • Scene 3

    The Petrified Forest – Full Stage

    Something smells nice, whats bubbling in ‘Orribles pot?

  • Scene 4

    The Haunted Path – Front Cloth

    Prince Sequin realises just what has happened and is very sorrowful.

  • Scene 5

    Outside The Castle – Full Stage

    A giant wall of thorns is stopping anyone entering the castle, a little magic is needed.

  • Scene 6

    A Corridor In The Castle – Front Cloth

    Our heroes are inside the castle and racing to the throne room.

  • Scene 7

    Castle Throne Room – Full Stage

    Will ‘Oribble win or will our heroes save the day?

  • Scene 8 - Community Song

    The Road To The Castle – Front Cloth

    It’s sing along time!

  • Scene 9 - Walkdown

    Castle Throne Room – Full Stage
