Jack And The Beanstalk Logo

Jack And The Beanstalk - Full

Dame Trott’s dairy and home are at risk of repossession by Baron Skinflint. Their cow, Buttercup, has stopped producing milk as she has been so scared by Giant Blunderbore stomping around. The Trotts decide to sell Buttercup at market.

 On his way to market, Jack Trott, the Dame’s brightest son, is tricked into selling Buttercup for a bag of beans  by the wicked and evil Rancid. Rancid also kidnaps Jill, Jack’s girlfriend, and takes her up into the clouds.

With a little magic, the beans grow into a huge beanstalk high into the sky.

Will Jack be able to rescue Jill, will the Giant eat her whole?

With plenty of music and madness, you are bound to enjoy this adventure of giant proportions!

This version has a bigger cast for larger societies.

Jack And The Beanstalk pantomime script available for licensing.


  • Jack Trott

    An honest, hard working young man, the hero of the tale. In love with the Baron’s daughter, Jill.

  • Jill Skinflint

    The Squire’s daughter and Jack’s girlfriend. A really nice girl, but more than willing to stand up for herself.

  • Dame Trott

    The Dame, who is fighting hard to save the family farm and keeping a roof over her family’s head. Has a bit of a temper when provoked.

  • Simon Trott

    A loveable fool, a very nice but dumb young man, often lets himself down by his stupidity.

  • Squire Skinflint

    The squire of the local lands, Jill’s father, can be a bit of a bully where money is concerned, but underneath a nice guy.

  • Fleshcreep

    The evil henchman of the Giant, comes down from the clouds to kidnap people to feed his boss.

  • Giant Blunderbore

    The giant that lives high in the clouds. He has terrorised the lands below for centuries. Can be an actor in the wings or pre-recorded voice over.

  • Snitch

    One half of the Squire’s bailiffs, not the most intelligent person in the world.

  • Snatch

    The Squire’s other bailiff, again not the brightest button in the box.

  • Good Fairy

    The Good Fairy, appearing to fight Fleshcreep’s evil.

  • Buttercup

    A tap dancing pantomime cow.

  • Goosey Lucy

    A magic goose that the Giant once stole, produces golden eggs when asked by the special rhyme.

Scene Breakdown

Act 1

  • Scene 1 - Prologue

    The Road To Market – Front Cloth

    The evil Fleshcreep makes an appearance but is warned off by the Good Fairy.

  • Scene 2

    The Village squares – Full Stage

    It’s milking time, but will the Giant scaring Buttercup affect the milk flow?

  • Scene 3

    The Road To Market – Front Cloth

    Jack and Jill set off to market, but they receive an offer too good to be true.

  • Scene 4

    Dame Trott’s Kitchen – Full Stage

    Jack’s triumphant return is short lived as he soon feels the wrath of his mother.

  • Scene 5

    The Road To Market – Front Cloth

    Jack’s life goes from bad to worse and Jill bumps into Fleshcreep.

  • Scene 6

    The Village Square With Beanstalk

    The village awakes to a huge surprise and the Squire arrives with some bad news.

Act 2

  • Scene 1

    Inside The Giant’s Castle – Full Stage

    A rescue plan is in full force, but will it succeed?

  • Scene 2

    Top Of The Beanstalk – Front Cloth

    Will Jack and his friends be able to make it back down to earth, or will they be caught?

  • Scene 3

    The Village Square With Beanstalk – Full Stage

    With Jill rescued, a way to stop the Giant climbing down the beanstalk is needed.

  • Scene 4 - Community Song

    The Road To Market – Front Cloth

    It’s sing along time!

  • Scene 5 - Walkdown

    Giant’s Castle – Full Stage
