Family And Adult Pantomime Scripts

Original, Hilarious, Traditional Pantomime Scripts Ideal For Amateur And Professional Productions Alike!

Family Script Spotlight

Adult Script Spotlight

Affordable, Personal, Suitable For All Stage Sizes!


Julie Medlam

Manager - Dearne Playhouse

Every Laffin’ Boi script has thoroughly entertained all our audiences time and time again! Definitely recommend!

Martin Coleman

Producer - DCMWS Theatrical Society

We have just produced Laffin Boi Productions Cinderella, all the cast and crew have had a great time and the audience reactions and feedback has been superb!

Jane Beardshall

Facebook - Dick And His Cat

Hilarious, Can’t wait to see what they come up with next year!!

Caroline Lee

Facebook - Snow White And The Six ugly B*stards!

Absolutely hilarious production. Laughed all the way through and thoroughly enjoyed it! Will definitely be going to future productions.

Adele Louise

Facebook - Snow White And The Six ugly B*stards!

Amazingly funny and rude…obviously! loved it, some great characters. It was our first time watching one of these Adult pantos and it certainly won’t be our last! Brilliant!

Wendy Wolfe Hirst

Facebook - Definitely Not Disney's Aladdin

Fantastic show last night, never laughed so much xx

Kayleigh Medlam

Facebook - Snow White And The Six Ugly B*stards

I’ve been to every production so far and just when you think they can’t do it better they do! Cast are brilliant and they never fail to find the line, and step over it (quite literally!) already excited for the next one!!!

Samantha Jackson

Facebook - Snow White And The Six Ugly B*stards

Absolutely unreal!!! This production is a must watch. I’ve been to alot of theatre productions but this by far is the best! The cast was top notch!! Thank you for a great evening!

Get In Touch!

If you would like more information or have an enquiry, don’t hesitate to email us.